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How to show your boss you’re working – remotely

With many of us continuing to work remotely, employees are finding the flexibility rewarding. Yet, even as home offices are humming along, many employees are also searching for ways to show their managers that productivity at home isn’t lacking since that “in-office visibility” has been replaced with virtual check-ins. 

So, how do you prove to your boss that you’re actually getting work done? Below are some things to do during the workday to show your manager that working from home isn’t hindering your ability to fulfill duties and responsibilities.  

Seven strategies to demonstrate remote productivity 

Schedule regular checkins.  

Communication is key. Update your supervisor as often as it makes sense for them and your schedule. This could mean daily, weekly, or even biweekly meetings to check in and recap what you accomplished and showcase any tangible outcomes or metrics. Scheduling time also allows for you to have any questions you may have regarding your work ready for review with your boss. Also, it’s always a good idea to touch base and recap what all was accomplished during the week and showcase significant accomplishments and their impact if you’re able! 

Keep a regular schedule.  

Be consistent by beginning your morning and taking lunch around the same times each day. Make sure you are online and accessible for those set hours. Keeping a regular schedule and set hours is also important for blocking time for regular meetings and check-ins with your team.  A consistent schedule will show you’re physically present and available, even if you’re working from the comfort of your couch. 

Adapt to people’s communication style.  

Some people prefer meetings over the phone, while others prefer videoconferencing to establish face-to-face interactions. Many others only prefer email or instant messaging like the chat feature available on Microsoft Teams. Figure out how your supervisor likes to communicate and adjust your communication style to meet their needs. This is key to a good working relationship, especially when working remotely. 

Be transparent.  

If you’re having difficulty meeting a deadline for a deliverable, be honest and upfront about it. Don’t let the deadline pass by without discussing it with your supervisor prior, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your supervisor can’t physically see how busy you are every day, so unless you’re upfront about your workload, they may assume you’re not up to the task and will have to pick up your slack. By being transparent about what’s on your plate, your boss will likely be more understanding and willing to coordinate with you to either provide assistance or reprioritize deadlines. 

Attend meetings.  

If your team is having a virtual meeting or call, be on it! By attending set meetings, your team will know that you’re contributing and remaining active in assignments. If you can’t attend a scheduled meeting, make sure to let your supervisor and the team know in advance. Additionally, instead of waiting for your team members to send you a recap, be proactive and reach out to them to catch up on what you missed.  

Maintain a professional appearance 

An easy way to show commitment (and one that’s often overlooked) is by simply showing up “dressed for success” each day. If you’re attending regular video meetings, make sure your appearance reflects what you would look like if you were in the office. You don’t have to be in a suit and tie but a nice shirt and styled hair make a big difference. Another idea is to keep a blazer close by to throw on before any video call. Effort shows your boss and colleagues that you’re treating today like any other normal workday at the office, instead of a relaxed pajama day. 

Do your job.  

This may seem a little obvious but do your job with the same energy and motivation as if you were in the office. Coworkers — and your boss — can feel it.  

Put productivity and professionalism on full display 

It’s important to be flexible in this new remote world we are living in and showcasing your productivity in a remote setting can seem daunting at first. When you can’t physically be with your manager or team every day, proving that you’re completing work isn’t always easy. However, if you focus on maintaining communication, transparency, and professionalism, no one will question your dedication to the team!  

Managing a team remotely? Check out Vaco’s Virtual Employee Onboarding Playbook for tips on how to help your remote team connect – especially with new hires! 

Amanda Davis is the director of business operations at Vaco’s Memphis office. 


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