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Economic Update March 2023: Soft or Hard Landing?

CPE Graphic Vaco Website22/3/23
  • Webinar Date: March 22, 2023 @ 9:30 AM EDT / 8:30 AM CDT
  • Duration: 120 min

Dr. Mike Walden will be joining us for the first of three economic updates for 2023. He will lead us through the current economic conditions and trends for growth, inflation, and the labor market. We will forecast the remainder of 2023 and 2024 as well, allowing your teams to prepare accordingly for macroeconomic trends that may affect your business.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain an understanding of where the economy is now.
  • Review how the economy got to today’s point.
  • Understand policies impacting the economic outlook for the next 2 fiscal years.

The CPE portion of this webinar has concluded, but users can still view the presentation recording for educational purposes.

Watch Now


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